How to Talk About the Weakness in the Review

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How To Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" (With Examples)

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Being asked about your weaknesses in an interview is intimidating. After all, you lot're in that location to testify them how capable you are, non to talk about what yous're bad at.

Simply 'What are your weaknesses?' is a question commonly asked at interview – ofttimes paired with 'What are your strengths?' – then be certain to prepare for both.

Answering well requires walking a tightrope. If you don't talk about anything that sounds like a plausible weakness, you come beyond every bit disingenuous or, worse, deluded as to your lack of shortcomings.

Merely if you're a picayune too honest or if your weakness is a disquisitional i, you risk sabotaging your interview.

Unsurprisingly, not many candidates answer this question well.

This presents you with an opportunity to stand out; if you practice and ready well, it can work in your favour.

A expert reply shows that you're self-enlightened and able to critically analyse your skills. Information technology also shows that you're willing to address your weaknesses and that you tin can remain calm under pressure.

Read on to find out how you can tackle this catchy question and plough your greatest weaknesses into your greatest interview strength.

Interviewers are looking to observe your weak points to see how you'll address them.

Why Practise Interviewers Like to Ask This Question?

Information technology does seem a piddling perverse. When candidates are doing their all-time to make a good impression, the interviewer asks them to talk themselves downward.

Notwithstanding, interviewers tin gain a huge corporeality of insight from this simple question (or a variant of it).

This question is popular primarily because of its effectiveness at getting the candidate to call back deeply nigh themselves.

More specifically, interviewers might want to inquire this question:

  • To assess your character and personality
  • To guess your level of self-awareness and ability to reflect on your skills and whatever gaps
  • To check that you don't have any critical flaws that might bear upon your ability to perform in the part
  • To meet if you lot're willing to piece of work on your weaknesses
  • To test your ability to maintain sophistication under pressure

Dissimilar Means of Request the Weaknesses Question

While this question is frequently asked outright, information technology can also accept a variety of forms. Make sure you know what the interviewer is really asking so yous don't get caught out.

Hither are a few of the other ways information technology can be phrased:

  • "What would your employer or colleagues describe equally your biggest weakness?"
  • "Which of your current tasks or duties practice you find nearly challenging?"
  • "Which of this role's tasks or duties would you struggle with the most?"
  • "Have any difficulties or issues arisen in your current role?"
  • "What is the biggest regret you'll have on leaving your present job?"
  • "Is in that location any area of your skill set that you feel notwithstanding needs piece of work?"
  • "Tell me virtually a fourth dimension when you let your team downwards"

While each of these questions (and many more than) are all asking a like question, you lot don't want to come beyond as robotic, like you've prepared this answer purely by rote.

Empathise that they're request for your weaknesses only have note of how exactly they posed the question. Tailor your response accordingly and it volition come up across as off-the-cuff, confident and fluent.

Beingness able to adapt to the questions you are being asked is an important interview skill. Information technology not only demonstrates that yous can deliver a expert answer, just that you lot can think on your feet and take skillful communication skills.

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How to Assess and Select a Weakness

This is the one thousand thousand-dollar question – how practice you pick a good weakness to talk most in your interview?

The weaknesses y'all choose should ideally be:

  • Not primal to the job. You probably won't get far if yous're applying for an accounting job and your weakness is that you're atrocious with numbers.

  • Relevant. Y'all should cull a weakness relating to relevant professional competencies. Answering with something similar "I just don't do enough exercise" sounds like y'all're dodging the question.

  • Fixable. One of the about of import parts of answering this question is to become across the idea that you actively piece of work on your weaknesses. This means that your weakness needs to be something that you could feasibly better through personal endeavour.

It is useful at this stage to accept a thorough look at the task description. Pick out all the central skills and requirements and make sure that the weakness you cull does non apply to any of them.

1 of the means to choose a relevant weakness is to research the role thoroughly.

Knowing what the employer is looking for is the best manner to avoid pitfalls and plough the question to your advantage.

For example, if the position requires lots of teamwork and regular interaction with management, a good weakness to employ might be that you find information technology difficult to stay motivated in roles where you experience isolated, or those in which y'all can't learn from those around you.

That'southward nonetheless a genuine weakness, but it's one that's largely negated past the role you lot take applied for. It likewise gets across the implication that you similar the way their visitor works and would feel motivated in that location.

If the job involves thinking on your feet and using your initiative, your weakness could be that yous go frustrated when you lot are expected to adhere to strict protocol at all times. This is still a plausible weakness and something that you can work on, simply for this role, it could become a positive and suggests that you are well suited to the job.

Information technology'southward important that for each weakness you set up to talk about, you have a relevant example prepare to help you lot describe your weakness and demonstrate how you lot attempted to overcome it.

Mayhap yous've completed a relevant course or joined a class or grouping. You lot might be getting help from a mentor or advisor, or have found tools that help you to right your weakness on your ain.

Finally, try to provide some physical evidence of comeback. If leadership is your weakness, perhaps yous take recently started managing someone and received positive feedback. Or if you take been improving your time management, describe how working more efficiently has impacted positively on a particular task or project.

Is Overthinking a Weakness?

Overthinking can be viewed equally both a force and a weakness; it is, therefore, not a strong answer to give when asked about your weaknesses at interview.

In some respects, someone that overthinks can exist perceived to be unsure of themselves and their controlling. You lot may exist delaying your decision-making because you are scared of facing the consequences of your decisions.

This weakness could exist particularly apropos to an interviewer and then, if y'all really want to mention this at interview, brand sure you lot testify evidence of self-reflection and mention the steps you are taking to address this or how you have begun to use it to achieve a positive outcome.

Overthinkers could as well be seen as careful perfectionists that take the fourth dimension to consider all aspects of a decision so they don't miss anything. This is non really a weakness, information technology may be seen past the interviewer to be a veiled effort at presenting a positive as a negative.

Some Sample Answers

To assist yous prepare for your interview, here are a few example answers that demonstrate the points mentioned.

Retrieve, the cardinal is to select a weakness that isn't fundamental to your power to perform the function and and then to demonstrate that you lot're proactive about fixing that weakness.

Case 1

You are applying for an analyst position, largely working with numbers and data:

I don't have much feel working direct with clients so my client-facing communication skills definitely need some work. I'thou much more than comfortable digging deep into the data and providing the assay, rather than talking it through with a customer.

However, I realise that feel working with clients directly would be a big help to the way I present my analysis then I'm very dandy to improve that attribute.

This is an answer that's honest and shows a skillful caste of critical self-reflection.

Information technology'southward a weakness that isn't critical to the function but the candidate recognises the means that fixing their weakness would aid them in the areas they're already strong in.

This answer besides manages to sneak in a strength (earthworks deep into data and providing analysis of information technology).

Instance two

A more generic weakness that can exist used for any role, with evidence of proactivity:

At the beginning of my career, I institute that I was overwhelmed with the level of work expected of me. Scheduling everything was a large effect for me and I dropped the ball on some projects because I wasn't able to give them my proper focus.

However, I attended a number of time-management seminars and have found my workload much more manageable since then, and I'm continuing to work on it.

Hither, the candidate explains a weakness of theirs that could be a serious trouble simply immediately shows that they've already been taking meaning steps towards fixing it and that they've fabricated skillful progress so far.

That comes beyond equally genuine and shows that the candidate is proactive and self-reflective.

Also Awesome

Competency-Based Interview Questions - Management Skills

Example iii

A weakness that isn't critical and that is easily fixed:

In the past, I've tended to want to complete ane projection in its entirety before moving onto some other. Of grade, that can cause problems in a decorated workplace. I know that, in the future, I need to be more comfortable switching focus when it's needed.

This is the acceptable version of the 'I'm but likewise much of a perfectionist' reply.

It's a trouble a lot of people can relate to as it's only natural that we desire to run into our work completed and followed through before switching focus. You lot'll probably have the interviewer like-minded with you.

Again, though, it shows some self-reflection by recognising the issues that this approach can cause.

Example four

I would say that I can exist too direct. When I'thou giving feedback to colleagues I endeavour to be very honest just I take learned that sometimes my comments come beyond every bit brusque.

I practice a debrief after each project and I realised that some team members felt I was beingness more disquisitional than constructive, which wasn't my intention.

I took role in a leadership grade where we talked about the best means to provide feedback and how nosotros should tailor our advice style to unlike people and situations.

I've been working on applying all that I've learned and terminal week a colleague came to thank me for some feedback on a contempo presentation. He said my comments had been actually valuable.

The interviewee makes it clear that they were not being actively unpleasant to colleagues, merely were aware that their communication skills needed work and this was creating some negative feeling at work. They took positive steps to improve those skills and offering a solid case of the progress they have made.

Instance 5

I get very nervous about addressing large groups. I'm comfy speaking upwardly in team meetings and volition happily give presentations to my colleagues at work. But in a more formal setting or in front of a crowd of strangers I do struggle.

I don't desire this to hold me back, so I'm trying to build my confidence in public speaking. Someone suggested that acting classes might assistance so I've signed upwards for a course at my local college.

And terminal calendar month, I volunteered to give a presentation at a networking event I attend. There were nearly 50 people in that location and ordinarily I would have been terrified at the idea of standing up in front end of them. I was still nervous only I felt that the presentation went well. Really, I ended up enjoying it."

Many people can identify with a fear of public speaking. The interviewee makes certain to stress that they are non likewise timid to speak upwards at work at all, which could be a concern. They show initiative in how they are tackling this weakness caput-on and provide articulate show that their efforts are paying off.

Of grade, any answer y'all give will need to exist specific to both you and the role. Don't brand something up – you lot'll come across as disingenuous and might not be able to handle any follow-up questions.

The STAR Technique

The STAR method is a fantastic approach for all interview questions. Information technology's a technique you lot should be familiar with and practice.

It'due south a fashion of structuring any example-based response you give that ensures all the key components are there.

  • Situation. Give the context of the case. What was the visitor and the project? Who was the client? Were yous working in a team?
  • Task. Movement into the specifics and describe your role in the project and what your goal was.
  • Activeness. Describe the actions that you took towards your goal. This should be specifically near your contribution, not the team's.
  • Result. Talk about the outcome of the actions you took. If you lot tin can, slip some numbers in hither to make things more concrete.

While this method would typically exist used when talking about your positive traits and achievements (subsequently all, that's more often than not what you want to be doing in an interview), it's still useful when talking about your weaknesses.

It helps keep your examples concise and engaging. The interviewer can easily follow your scenario from commencement to finish, getting all the important details forth the mode.

You can read more than almost the STAR technique, including how to employ it most effectively, and discover some example answers in our dedicated commodity on the STAR technique.

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

Always keep the STAR method in mind when describing your weaknesses in an interview.

Answers to Avert

'What are your weaknesses?' is a minefield of a question and there are enough of answers that really won't practise.

Larn what these answers are and what they have in common so you can be sure you never commit these interview sins:

Giving a Weakness That Is Actually a Strength

I'm but such a perfectionist. I don't similar substandard effort and then I brand certain all my work is perfect. This might mean that I work as well hard just it's worth it to me considering it's and so annoying finishing work that'south less than perfect.

This candidate shows no humility and – more than importantly – no bear witness of cocky-reflection.

It will be articulate to the interviewer that they are trying to dodge the question while at the same time over-selling themselves.

Giving a Weakness That Reflects a Bad Attitude

My weakness is that I simply detest getting upwardly in the morning. I snooze the alert like x times before finally dragging myself up. I wait forward to the weekends then I tin have a lie-in without worrying nigh getting upward for work.

Almost no-i likes getting upwards early in the morn. This is not a weakness that reveals anything about you professionally.

Moaning virtually it won't earn yous much sympathy, especially when it implies that you might be late to work when your penchant for snoozing gets the better of you.

Furthermore, this answer shows no willingness or proactive drive to resolve the outcome.

Giving an Answer That Undermines Your Ability to Practise the Job

I'yard not a swell team actor. I find it difficult to become along with people – I don't really like taking orders from my superiors and I respond badly to any negative feedback.

Unless you're applying for a chore where y'all will be working in well-nigh total isolation, this kind of respond volition band some major alarm bells.

While your reply should exist honest, you practice not want to reveal a weakness that would severely hinder your performance.

Giving a Weakness That Has Piddling or No Begetting on Your Professional person Competencies

I'm scared of dogs. I got bitten by one as a child and now I can't stand being around them. Sometimes it makes it quite awkward when I have to run into someone who I know has a domestic dog.

Unless y'all're applying for a task working with animals, this weakness is simply irrelevant.

For the purposes of this question, relieve your childhood traumas for the therapist. Information technology doesn't tell the interviewer annihilation and volition either sound like yous're oversharing (which could become bad-mannered) or that you're dodging the question.

Refusing to Answer the Question

I don't really take any weaknesses, to be honest. In my final role, I performed really well and can't meet where I could have improved.

Everyone has weaknesses. Everyone. From the fresh graduate to the about experienced CEO.

Giving this answer either paints you as dishonest or deluded, and neither of those are positive traits. It also displays a critical lack of self-reflection and can easily encounter every bit big-headed.

In addition, avoid very vague or general answers that don't give any relevant data. These will tell the interviewer that y'all can't call back on your feet.

If your reply isn't honest, doesn't reflect on your skills and your gaps, and doesn't demonstrate a willingness to improve, and then it needs some piece of work.

Follow-Up Questions

Yous've answered the question. Phew, that's that out of the style.

Or is information technology?

Don't get caught out by the follow-upwards question.

There are many reasons why an employer might inquire a follow-up question. It could be considering your answer was especially practiced and interesting, or it could be because it lacked something.

Or they might want to see how you recollect on your feet under pressure.

Here are a few examples of how the interviewer might follow up on your answer:

"How Has That Weakness Set You Dorsum in Previous Situations?"

Here, they want a concrete example.

This could be because your answer sounded more than like a forcefulness dressed up every bit a weakness or it could be because your weakness sounded a little vague.

Regardless, they desire to hear a definite example and a little more self-reflection on how your weakness has affected you.

"That Sounds More than Similar a Positive. Give Me an Bodily Weakness."

You lot'll get a response like this if they think you lot are reluctant to talk about a real weakness.

If information technology was a existent weakness, consider how you worded it. Did you dress information technology upwardly as a forcefulness or severely undersell it?

If so, consider clarifying your answer and explaining why it is a weakness – ideally with a specific example to back it upwardly.

Otherwise, this is the time to simply be honest. Perhaps start past saying "Fair plenty, you're right, this question is always difficult to tackle in interviews" and then follow up with a candid answer that actually does reverberate a weakness.

"If You Had to Pick Some other Weakness, What Would It Be?"

Your answer might have sounded as well rehearsed and they desire to see if you can recollect on your feet.

This potential follow-up is the reason you need to fix more than i weakness.

If y'all get this follow-up and haven't prepared a second answer, you'd better be good at being spontaneous. Don't gamble it.

What If You Don't Know Your Weaknesses?

If you lot're struggling to come up upward with any weaknesses, it'south probably not because you're perfect. After all, who is? But it tin can certainly be tricky to think about your own weaknesses.

Start past thinking back to your previous roles, projects, school or volunteer work. What did yous struggle with?

  • Perhaps you lot found it difficult to manage your time.
  • Peradventure yous found leading a team more than hard than you expected.
  • Maybe you don't sympathize how your customer-facing colleagues come across and then finer.

You might consider:

  • Tasks or work-related skills that you find difficult or dislike
  • Times you have failed or underperformed at work
  • Any criticism yous accept received from supervisors
  • Anything you have been told you lot need to work on

Common areas that might be applicable include:

  • Time management
  • Public speaking
  • Leadership skills
  • Sharing responsibleness
  • Numerical skills

If you notice it tricky to assess your own personality, ask someone else to help. Endeavor asking someone who knows y'all well (such as a friend or colleague) to be actually honest about your areas of weakness.

Make a listing of all your possible weaknesses. Simply put down everything, big or small. Then, assess each of them past the criteria in a higher place:

  • Is this weakness primal to the role I'm applying for?
  • Is information technology a relevant weakness?
  • Am I taking steps to improve in that area?

If a weakness passes each of those tests, then information technology should be a good one.

Final Thoughts

Questions forth the lines of "What are your greatest weaknesses?" can be intimidating. However, they tin be answered positively and even present you in a favourable lite if y'all remember some cardinal points.

Your answer should show self-awareness and a willingness to address your weaknesses.

Pick a weakness that is relevant, not crucial to the job and fixable.

Demonstrate how you are working on effectively addressing the weakness.

Practise the STAR method to structure an effective respond.

Remember the interviewer may use different terms when posing this question – make sure you understand what they are really asking.

Be prepared for follow-up questions. The interviewer might ask yous to elaborate or describe farther weaknesses.


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